[Scene1: Tanner's house. Claire, Danny's mother, is there. Danny, DJ, and Stephanie come in.]
Danny: Let's go, Mom. Your bags are in the cab. The meter is running.
Claire: The baby's sleeping like a baby . (to DJ and Stephanie) Oh, my angles. Oh, I'm going to miss you.
■問題1 What's funny about Claire saying "The baby's sleeping like a baby?"
Danny: Honey, Grandma's gotta go (picks up Stephanie).
Claire: Sweetheart, I'm just gonna miss you, so...
Danny: Grandma's really gotta go (picks up DJ). Oh, boy, does Grandma gotta go (picks up Stephanie again.)
Claire: Oh, you know Danny, I don't have to go back home.
Girls: Yay!
Danny: Ah, Mom, this isn't how we rehearsed this last night. Let's take a little walk, okay. Now, you know as well as I do that... (notices the girls are following them) Mom, look, it's time to go home. You've been taking care of us ever since Pamela died. I don't know how we'd have made it the past three months without you.
Clare: Oh..
Danny: But Dad needs you too. You remember Dad, don't you? Your husband? Kind of balding and glasses..., and wears his boxer shorts up around his neck. Mom, I've got everything under control. Help is moving in today.
「でもパパもママを必要としてるよ。パパって覚えてるでしょ? 旦那さん。ちょっと禿げてきていて、メガネかけて‥、下着を首の周りにきちゃう。ママ、僕が全部やっているから。助けも今日引っ越してるし」
Claire: Well, if you need me, I'm on the next plane.
■問題2 What does Claire mean by "if you need me, I'm on the next plane"?
Danny: Aw, thank you, mom.
Claire: Okay.
Girls: Bye, Grandma.
Danny: Bye, mom.
Claire: Bye.
Girls: Bye.
Claire: Oh, my angels!
Stephanie: Oh, Grandma! Don't leave!
「あぁ、おばあちゃん! 帰らないで!」
Claire: I love you. Goodbye, sweetheart.
Stephanie: Goodbye, grandma.
Claire: Bye. Bye.
DJ, Stephanie, Danny: Bye
(Claire leaves)
Danny: Okay! Are we going to have fun or what? (DJ and Stephanie look sad) Hey, hey, hey! Let's see some smiles. Everything is going to work out super great. Your uncle Jesse is moving in. My best friend Joey is moving in, and you know what, that means that you two are going to get to be roommates. Isn't that exciting?
「さーてと! これから楽しくなるぞ! (DJとステファニーが悲しく見える)おいおいおい! 笑顔を見せてよ。全部サイコーにうまく行くって。おじさんのジェシーが引っ越して来る。パパの親友のじょいーが引っ越してくる。それにさ、ってことは2人はルームメイトになるってことだよ。それってワクワクしないかい?」
Stephanie: I can wear all DJ's clothes!
DJ: Do I have to share my room with her?
Danny: Honey, it's going to be just like having a slumber party.
DJ: Yeah, with only one guest... who never leaves!
(Jesse enters.)
Jesse: Hey! Look alive! Uncle Jesse's here!
「よぉ! ちゅうもーく! ジェシーおじさんが来たぞ!」
DJ & Stephanie: Uncle Jesse!
Jesse: (like a child) Uncle Jesse! (in his normal voice) All right! Hello! DJ, how you doing? That tooth come in yet?
「(子供のように)ジェシーおじさーん!(普通の声で)よーし! よぉ、DJ、調子はどうだい? あの歯は生えて来たか?」
DJ: Nah.
Jesse: That's okay. One less to brush.
Danny: Hey, Jesse!
Jesse: Danno!
Danny: You missed breakfast. Where have you been?
Jesse: I know. Sorry. Last night, after my gig at the Smash Club, I go for a cruise on my Harley, right? Next thing I know, I'm in Reno. It was dark. Who would have known? Then, I happened to wander into this show, Razzle-Dazzle '87. Much better than Razzle-Dazzle '86, by the way. And I see this incredible showgirl Vanessa, right? Our eyes meet. (Danny notices the girls are looking) Ba-boom, this lightning bolt of passion shoots across the casino. Turns out, Vanessa is on her way to the Philippines to do a Bob Hope special, and is dying for one last night of good old American -
「そうだよな。ごめんよ。昨日の夜、スマッシュクラブで仕事の後さ。俺、ハーレー乗ってたんだよ。気づいたら、俺、リノにいたんだよ。暗かったし、誰がわかるっつーの? そしたら、ラズル・ダズル87ってショーに偶然迷い込んだんだよ。ラズル・ダズル86よりずっとよかったぜ、ところでさ。そしたら、すげぇショーガール、ヴァネッサにあったんだよ。俺らの目が合ってさ。(ダニーは女の子たちが見てるのに気づく)ドーン、情熱の稲妻がカジノ中に当たったんだよ。そしたら、ヴァネッサはフィリピンに行くところだったんだよ、ボブ・ホープ・スペシャルをするためにね、そして、最後の夜のに飢えてたんだよ、古き良きアメリカの‥」
Danny: Food, food! She was hungry, right?
「食べ物、食べ物! 彼女はお腹が空いていたんだよね?」
■問題3 Why does Danny start talking about food all of sudden?
Jesse: Oh yeah. She was starving. Only we never got a chance to, uh, "eat," because she had to turn her feathers in.
Stephanie: Uncle Jesse, let's play Ballerina.
Jesse: Uncle Jesse doesn't want to play ballerina.
Stephanie: Yes he does...
Jesse: No he doesn't...
Stephanie: Yes he does...
Jesse: No he doesn't!
Stephanie: (pretending to cry) Yes he does.
Jesse: How do you play ballerina?
Stephanie: Dance!
Jesse: Okay, that was fun.
Stephanie: Here's more fun. Catch me. (Jesse picks her up) Pose.
Jesse: Pose. Okay.
Stephanie: Turn around.
Jesse: Alright.
Stephanie: On your tippy toes.
Jesse: Tippy toes, right.
Stephanie: You need practice. We'll do this every day.
(Joey enters carrying a pile of laundry, and makes a trumpet noise)
DJ: Hi, Joey.
Joey: Hi, Danny.
Danny: Oh, Joey, buddy. This is the best. You're moving in. (Takes the pile of laundry from Joey)
Joey: Thanks, Danny. This works out so perfect. I move into a place with a washing machine on the exact day I run out of clean clothes. (Danny drops the pile of laundry) Jesse, long time no see. Now be honest. Did you ever think we'd end up being roommates?
■問題4 Why does Danny drop the pile of laundry all of sudden?
Jesse: Not once.
Joey: I love this guy. Danny, there's no way all my stuff will fit into a room this tiny.
Danny: Joey, this is not a tiny room. This is a large alcove. In fact, this is a large alcove that you're living in for free.
■問題5 What does Danny mean by "this is not a tiny room. This is a large alcove"?
Joey: You know, now that I take a close look at it, it's enormous... normous... normous... We are gonna have so much fun, aren't we, kids? (does the Popeye's laugh)
DJ: Do you think we could catch Grandma at the airport?
[Scene2: The second floor. Danny and Jesse are walking in the hallway. They enter Jesse's new room]
Danny: Nice, huh? Roomy. (Jesse sees the pink bunnies) Not overly masculine.
「いいだろ、な? ルームメイトくん。(ジェシーはピンクのウサギに気づく)極端に男っぽくなくて」
Jesse: Oh golly, it's swell. You know what would look great over here by the window? Barbie's dream house.
Danny: We've got one. Look, Jesse, I just want you to know that having you and Joey here really means a lot to me. Just knowing somebody's here who cares about the girls. You know, they're so happy you're here. Oh, God bless you! (hugs Jesse)
Jesse: You're hugging me in a room with pink bunnies.
Danny: Oh, sorry. I'm an emotional guy.
Jesse: It's alright.
Danny: Okay, let's face it. I'm a lean, mean, hugging machine.
Jesse: Okay. Danny, listen, Pam was my big sister, and I loved her very much, and I love your kids, and I'm happy to do what I can. (Danny hugs Jesse again) Aah, you're hugging me again. Now listen, you and me, we'll sit down, we'll set aside a special time for hugging, but not now. (Jesse opens the closet, to reveal the closet rack is too low) Oh great, I live in Webster's room!
■問題6 Who's Pam?
[Scene3: DJ and Stephanie's room. DJ is explaining something to Stephanie.]
DJ: Rule number one: Never touch my stuff. You should be taking notes. Rule number two: Never set foot in my half of the room.
Stephanie: How do I get out of here?
DJ: Easy. You jump off the window and climb down the tree.
Stephanie: I don't think so.
DJ: Suit yourself.
Stephanie: I'll find a way out... (climbs onto the window curtain)
(Danny and Jesse enter the room.)
Danny: Stephanie, what are you doing?
Stephanie: Just hanging around.
Danny: Come on, honey, get down from there.
(Joey enters.)
Joey: All right! Limbo. Dika-laka-puka, dika-laka-puka,dika-laka-puka... no way.
「おーし! リンボーだ。ディカラカパカ、ディカラカパカ、ディカラカパカ‥。無理だね」
DJ: This is a nightmare.
Danny: Uh, DJ, honey, I told you. Everything is gonna work out super great. I'm sorry. I've got to get down to the station. Try to watch my sports report this afternoon. Today starts my special two-part series entitled, "Boxers: Highly Skilled Athletes or Bullies in Shorts?"
「あぁ、DJ、言ったじゃない。全部すごくうまく行くって。ごめんよ。局に行かないと。今日の午後、僕のスポーツのレポートを見てくれ。今日は、僕の2部構成のシリーズが始まるんだ、題名は"ボクサーたち。高い技術を持つアスリート? それともショーツをはいたいじめっ子?"」
Stephanie: Can I have a piggyback ride?
Danny: Sure, honey. Hop on. (puts her on his back) All right now, the baby's schedule is on the refrigerator. You guys can handle this, can't you?
Jesse and Joey: Sure.
Jesse: We'll take care of the kid.
Stephanie: Told you I'd find a way out.
[Scene4: Michelle's room. Jesse and Joey are there. Michelle is crying.]
Joey: (in a baby's voice) Oh, Michelle, little baby waby. What's the matter? Uncle Jesse, what are we gonna do?
「(赤ちゃんの声で)あー、ミシェル。小さなあかちゃーん。どうしたの? ジェシーおじさん。どうしよう?」
Jesse: First, we stop talking like a munchkin. (Michelle continues to cry) Hey, shut up!
Joey: Wait, I'll handle this. I'm a comic. It's my non-paying job to cheer people up. (imitating Kermit the Frog) Uh, Michelle, it's me, Kermit the frog. Now, uh, you don't want to cry, do you? (imitating Pee-wee Herman) Hi, it's me. Pee-wee Herman, huh huh. Do you wanna go to my playhouse? Huh huh. (Michelle continues to cry) Wait, she'll love it. I call it, "The Sprinkler." (drinks water, and starts to spit it out, like a sprinkler. Jesse grabs a little umbrella and covers Michelle) Tough room. Jesse, what if she needs to be... uh... changed?
「待って、僕が対処するよ。僕はお笑い系だ。人を元気付けるのが僕の無報酬の仕事なんだ。(カエルのカーミットの真似をする)あー、ミシェル、僕だよ、カエルのカーミットさ。あのさ、君は泣きたくないだろ?(ピーウィー・ハーマンの真似をする)やぁ、僕だよ。ピーウィー・ハーマンさ、はは。僕のおもちゃの家に行きたくないかい? はは。(ミシェルは泣き続ける)待って、これ気にいるって。"スプリンクラー"って呼んでるんだ。(水を飲み、スプリンクラーのように吐き出す。ジェシーは小さな傘を掴み、ミシェルを覆う)厳しい部屋だな。ジェシー、ミシェルが必要だったらどうしよう、交換を‥」
■問題7 What does Joey mean by "what if she needs to be changed?"
Jesse: Check it out. Go.
Joey: (looking at the inside of the diaper) We have a winner. Now what?
Jesse: Joseph. Put yourself in her place. What would you want done?
Joey: I've never changed a diaper.
Jesse: Me neither. At least you touched one. All right, look out. I'll show you how it's done. (to Michelle) Come here child. You believe this guy? (to Joey) All right, make yourself useful.
Joey: I'll take the south end.
Jesse: Good.
(They walk out of the room, heading down the stairs, into the living room, and then into the kitchen.)
Joey and Jesse: Step one, step two, step one, step two, step one, step two, step one, step two.
Jesse: Okay, good. Look out. Okay, keep it coming.
Stephanie: Showtime!
Joey: (in the kitchen) Where will we put the baby?
Jesse: Where will we put the child?
Joey: Uh, the pot, over here.
Jesse: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Joey, this is a living thing. You don't stick it in a pot. Use a meat rack.
「おい、おい、おい、おい、おい、おい! ジョーイ、これは生きてるものだぞ。ポットの中に突っ込まないって。肉の棚を使えよ」
Joey: I'm an idiot.
Jesse: Uh, come on.
Joey: Okay.
Jesse: All right, good.
Joey: All right, great.
Jesse: Settle down here. Here we go.
Stephanie: Are you gonna cook Michelle?
Joey: We're changing her diaper.
Stephanie: Oh, then how do you roast a turkey?
Jesse: Steph! Joey and I are busy. Joey, strip her. All right, careful there. You're in control. All right, slide it off and... ugh!
「ステフ! 俺とジョーイは忙しいんだ。ジョーイ、脱がせろ。よーし、気をつけてな。ちゃんとできてるだろ。よーし、ずらせ」
Joey: Uh... uh... (puts the dirty diaper into a plastic bowl and covers the bowl)
Jesse: Good thinking, Joey, keep it fresh.
Joey: Okay, hold her up. I'll clean her off.
Jesse: Good idea. Come on, Michelle, all right. (Joey tries to shoot water at Michelle) You're missing! You're missing! You're missing! All right now, come on, gently now, gently now, gently... There we go. This is great. We should be mothers.
「いいね。よーし、ミシェル、よし。(ジョーイがミシェルに向けて水を発射する)外してるぞ! 外してるぞ! 外してるぞ! よーし、優しくな、優しくな。優しく。よーし。素晴らしい。俺ら母親になるべきだぜ」
Joey: Oh, yeah.
Jesse: All right, let's dry her up. Okay. Fan her.
Joey and Jesse: Fan her fanny. Fan her fanny.
Joey: You know, these babies have it made. I would kill for this kind of service.
■問題8 What does Joey mean by "these babies have it made. I would kill for this kind of service"?
Jesse: All right, diapers.
Joey: Diapers... diapers
Jesse: Where are diapers?
Joey: Diapers...
Jesse: Diapers...
Joey: Diapers, diapers...
Jesse: Diapers...
Joey: (finds a roll of paper towels) Hey, super absorbent.
Jesse: Bring it over. Okay, now what?
Joey: Okay, spin her.
Jesse: Spin her.
Joey: Spin her.
Jesse: Spin her. All right, now, wrap her up in this. Come on. Put her right in here. It's too easy.
Joey: Works for me.
■問題9 What does Joey mean by "Works for me?"
Jesse: You spill some juice on the counter?
Joey: Just wipe it up with Baby Tidy Bottom.
Stephanie: Not bad, but next time try these. (shows the diapers)
Jesse: Steph, why did you wait till now to give us the diapers?
Stephanie: Nobody asked me.
[Scene5: The living Room. Jesse and Joey are sleeping on the couch. Danny comes back home]
Danny: Hey guys, how'd it go today with... Whoa! What happened? What's with all the dirty baby clothes?
「やぁ、みんな、今日はどうだ‥。うわー! どうしたの? この汚い赤ちゃんの服だらけなのはどうした?」
(The doorbell rings)
Joey: I'm sorry, but every time we fed her, she'd drool, or dribble, or spit up.
Jesse: Your baby's a pig.
■問題10 What does Jesse mean by "Your baby's a pig"?
(Jesse opens the door, and Vanessa is standing in the doorway)
Vanessa: Hi, Jesse.
Jesse: Vanessa, have mercy. I thought you were supposed to go to the Philippines with Bob Hope.
Vanessa: Oh, well, I am, but the airport's fogged in. So, is that offer to stay with you anytime still good?
■問題11 Why does Vanessa come to the house?
Jesse: Oh, it's more than good. It's... uh... amazing!
(Stephanie enters)
Stephanie: Hi, Uncle Jesse. Ready for more ballerina?
Jesse: Uh... we'll play later, okay?
Stephanie: Okay... it's later! Catch me! (Jesse picks her up.)
「わかったわ‥。はい、あとよ! 私を捕まえて! (ジェシーがステファニーを抱っこ)」
Stephanie and Jesse: Pose!
Jesse: Listen, why don't you go upstairs and play ballerina with your big sister.
Stephanie: I can't. She moved out.
Danny: Stephanie, honey, what do you mean, "She moved out"?
「ステファニー、どういう意味だい? "引っ越した"って?」
Stephanie: She's gone. She rolled up her crepe paper and took off.
Danny: Okay, everybody follow me.
[Scene6: DJ and Stephanie's room. Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie comes in. There's no sign of DJ.]
Danny: You lost my daughter? I went to work for seven hours, and you lost thirty-three percent of my children? Joey, call the police. Jesse, start driving around our neighborhood. I'm gonna call up DJ's friends.
「僕の娘を失ったのか? 7時間仕事に行ったら、僕の子供の33%を失ったのか? ジョーイ、警察を呼んで。ジェシー、近所を運転して回って。僕はDJの友達に電話する」
Stephanie: And I'll go get DJ.
Danny: Stephanie, honey.
Stephanie: Yes, daddy?
Danny: Sweetheart, do you know where DJ is?
Stephanie: Uh-huh.
Danny: Why didn't you say something sooner?
Stephanie: Nobody asked me.
[Scene7: The garage. DJ is talking on the phone. Danny, Jesse, and Joey comes in.]
Danny: DJ, can I talk to you?
DJ: (on the phone) Kimmy, hang on. (to Danny) I'm talking to Kimmy Gibbler. She called me on her own phone from her own room. She has three sisters.
■問題12 What is DJ implying when she says "She called me on her own phone from her own room. She has three sisters"?
Danny: DJ, you don't want to live in the garage. It's filthy... it's stuffy...
DJ: You want some fresh air? (DJ opens the garage door)
Danny: (in a firm voice) Donna Jo, I want you back inside right now this instant. (in a normal voice) Is that okay?
DJ: No thank you, dad. (on the phone) So Kimmy, where were we?
Jesse: (to Danny) Nice job, dad. Been reading Cosby's book?
Joey: Cosby? I'll handle this. (imitating Bill Cosby, talking to DJ) Hello there, small child- like person. Mmha... ha... ha... If you move back into the house, you can have a big, juicy bowl of jello. Mmha... ha... ha... ha... ha... ha.
「コスビー? 僕が対処するよ。(ビル・コスビーの真似をし、DJに話す)こんにちはー、人のように小さい子供、マハ、ハ、ハ‥。家に戻ったら、大きな、ジューシーなゼリーのボウルをあげるよ。マハ、ハ、ハ、ハ、ハ」
DJ: (on the phone) No, Kimmy, that's not really him. I'll call you later.
(Stephanie enters the garage.)
Stephanie: Daddy, the baby's crying. She's got that thirsty look in her eyes.
Danny: Okay, honey. I'll be right up. (Stephanie goes back upstairs) Joey, would you mind warming up the baby's bottle?
Joey: Well, not at all. Although with this particular baby, it might be simpler just to pour the formula directly into the diaper. Well, think about it. (goes upstairs)
Jesse: All right, DJ's all set and I got Vanessa upstairs waiting, so best of luck to both of you. (tries to leave, but Danny stops him.)
Danny: No, look, Jesse, look, I got to go check on the baby. Won't you just stay here with DJ? Talk to her. I'll be right back. You're her uncle. Try to be parental, or something.
「ダメ、その、ジェシー、その、僕は赤ちゃんを確認しに行かないといけないんだ。その、ただDJとここにいてくれないか? 彼女と話すんだ。すぐに戻るから。君はおじだぞ。親っぽくとか、なってみてくれ」
(Danny goes upstairs)
Jesse: Parental. That's cool. I can be parental. I got parents. (Jesse taps DJ's shoulder)
DJ: Can I help you?
Jesse: Yes. You can move your little bad back in the house. Look, DJ, I don't blame you for wanting your own room. But you got to understand, this world's not a perfect place. Bruce Willis has a record deal. But then a Vanessa shows up at your door, and it all evens out. You know what I'm saying?
DJ: Yeah.
Jesse: Good, so you'll move back in?
DJ: Nah.
Jesse: Nah! All right, I'll speak the language you understand. Five bucks if you'll move back.
「あー! よし、君が理解してる言葉を話すぞ。戻ったら5ドル」
DJ: Fifty.
Jesse: Ten.
DJ: Forty-nine.
Jesse: A buck? You went down a buck?
「1ドル? 1ドルだけ下げたの?」
DJ: Okay, it's back up to fifty.
Jesse: All right, my final offer, twenty bucks.
DJ: Twenty-one. Vanessa's waiting...
[Scene8: The living room. Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie are
Jesse: All right, DJ is moving back in.
Danny: She is? That's fantastic! What did you do?
「ほんとに? そりゃ素晴らしい! 何したの?」
Jesse: I have a very special way with kids.
(Jesse starts to go upstairs)
Danny: Uh, Jesse, hang on. Vanessa's not upstairs.
(Jesse comes back downstairs)
Jesse: Where's Vanessa?
Danny: Well, uh...
Stephanie: She's history.
(Jesse covers Stephanie's ears)
Jesse: What the hell did you do with Vanessa?
■問題13 Why does Jesse cover Stephanie's ears?
Danny: I didn't do anything with her. I just told her that with three little girls in the house, I thought it would be better if she slept on the couch. And she left.
Jesse: You hate me, don't you.
(DJ enters the room)
Danny: DJ.
Jesse: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Vanessa is gone. The deal is off. I want my money back.
Danny: What money?
DJ: The money Uncle Jesse paid me to move back in.
Danny: That's your special way with children, you buy them off?
「それがお前の特別な子供との方法? お金で買うわけ?」
Jesse: It works. Kid, money.
DJ: Fine, I have other sources of income. I'll go back to my new room and have a garage sale.
Danny: DJ, wait. DJ. (to Jesse) Here, take Michelle. (to Stephanie) Come with me, honey.
Jesse: (looking at Michelle) Don't even think about it.
[Scene9: The kitchen. Danny, DJ, and Stephanie are there.]
Danny: DJ, honey, I can't let you have a garage sale.
DJ: What if I give you ten percent of the profits?
Danny: DJ, come here. Can't you just try sharing your room with your sister? Your mom was always so good at this stuff. I'd come home from work, and everything was always perfect. DJ, how would mom have handled this?
DJ: She would have caught me before I moved into the garage. Mom knew everything I did before I did it.
■問題2 What does Danny mean by "What is it, honey?"
Danny: What is it, honey?
DJ: It's just not fair. First, I lose my mom, then, grandma leaves, now, I even lose my own room? Everything keeps disappearing.
「こんなのずるい。まず、私はママを失って、おばあちゃんは帰っちゃう。そして、私は自分の部屋まで失うの? 全部消え続けてるのよ」
Danny: I know exactly how you feel. And I know how much you girls miss your mother, because I miss her too, very much. But you still got me.
Stephanie: You got me, too.
Danny: You got Michelle, and you have your uncle Jesse, and Joey. DJ, we're still a family, and now is when we really need to stick together. DJ, you and I, we go back a long time, ten years. The ten happiest years of my life. So look, it's up to you. Either you move back inside, or all five of us are moving into the garage. But nothing is gonna break up this team.
DJ: I'll move back in.
Danny: I love you, angel. You too, little ballerina.
[Scene10: The living Room. Jesse is talking to Michelle. Joey is in the alcove]
Jesse: Hey, Michelle. Michelle. Can you say, "Uncle Jesse"?
Michelle: Ah-ah.
Jesse: That's it. You said it. You said, "Uncle Jesse." (Danny, DJ, and Stephanie enter) Starting tomorrow, you use the toilet just like the rest of us.
DJ: Good news. Uncle Jesse, our deal's back on. (Jesse starts to take out money, but she stops him.) It's okay. I'll put it on your tab.
Jesse: All right.
Danny: Aw. Is this great, or what? These girls are crazy about you.
「いやぁ。最高じゃないか? 娘たちジェシーのこと大好きだよ」
Jesse: Oh, sure. I dance around and give them money.
Michelle: Uh... uh...
Jesse: Now what's the problem?
Danny: Oh, there's no problem. She's singing. Michelle loves music.
Joey: Music? I'll handle this... (starts to sing) Ooh... Flintstones, meet the Flintstones...
「音楽? 僕が対処しよう。(歌い始める)あぁ、フリントストーン、フリントストーンに会ってみよう」
Joey and Jesse: (singing) They're a modern stone-age family...
Jesse: Everybody, sing along!
Everybody: (singing) From the town of Bedrock, they're a page right out of history.
Jesse: Let's take a walk.
Everybody: (singing) Let's ride with the family down the street. Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet. When you're with the Flintstones...
Jesse: All right, take it down, guys.
Everybody: (singing) Have a yabba-dabba-doo time. (Jesse points to DJ and Stephanie.)
DJ and Stephanie: (singing) A dabba-doo time.
Everybody: (singing) We'll have a gay old time.
Stephanie: Wilma!